34 Ford Woody

This blog has past five thousand views from Woody fans all over the world, so I thought I would post a little re cap of the progression of the 34' Ford Woody Station Wagon.
She didn't look like much when we started, but the potential was evident that this could be a spectacular car. My employer, and owner of the car had been stockpiling eight quarter Bird's Eye Maple for many years just waiting for a car like this to come along, and for the right person to make it happen. Was it fate that we both showed up around the same time, or just luck? I'll let you be the judge. 
I thought I would show the car as it progressed. It looks like it happened quickly, but it took about five years to complete this car as we had to work on it between paying jobs. The mechanical work had already been done by the former owner who made it into a hot rod sporting a 350 Chevy engine.
Here you see it completed before varnishing. I totally disassembled the car to varnish it, which probably made the job a lot harder, and I probably wouldn't do it that way again. If you look at the older posts on this blog you see different stages of the work being done. Below was the car's unveiling at the Wavecrest Woody Show in Encinitas, California in 2010. She went on to win first place in her class at the Grand National Roadster Show in 2011 in Pomona California.
     Thanks again for visiting my blog, and I hope you enjoy your visit. Click on pictures to enlarge.
